ALICE BY HEART - Find Your Light Non Equity Auditions

Posted January 22, 2024
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ALICE BY HEART - Find Your Light

Alice by Heart

Ages 13-25

All parts available

Auditions: February 6th from 6-10pm

Callbacks: February 8th from 6-10pm

Contact Jen @ 970.308.3056 or for further questions.

What to prepare: Please prepare a song from the show. Make sure to have a guided instrumental track prepared with you at auditions.

Callbacks: There will be solos, duets and cold readings at the callbacks, along with a dance callback.

Rehearsals will begin the week of February 26th and will be Thursday evenings and potentially some Saturday mornings.

Performances will be May 3rd-5th at Mountain View High School

Looking for a cast of 30. Everyone is on stage the entire show. Each person cast will play multiple characters.

THIS PRODUCTION IS NON-UNION AND THERE IS NO PAY. FYL is a educational, community theatre organization. Find Your Light adheres to the Community Standards for Theatre for Colorado as advocated by the Colorado Theatre Guild.

Production Fee: $200

Director/Choreographer: Brittany Grim

Vocal Director: John Kampf

Assistant Vocal Director: Stacy DeBord

Assistant Director: Jen Likes



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