Nunsense is a musical comedy that revolves around the misadventures of the Little Sisters of Hoboken, a fictional order of nuns. The story unfolds after a tragic cooking accident wipes out most of the convent’s sisters. To raise funds for the burials, the remaining nuns decide to stage a variety show, showcasing their unique talents and personalities. The musical is filled with humor, catchy songs, and entertaining dance numbers, all set against the backdrop of the nuns’ efforts to overcome challenges and bring joy to the audience. The show explores themes of friendship, faith, and the resilience of the human spirit, all while delivering lighthearted and entertaining performances by the eccentric nuns.
Audience: The show is billed as family friendly with a PG13 Rating
Run Time: 2 Hours with a 15 minute intermission
Cost– Adults–$20
Child 12 and Under — $15
Nunsense (2/16/24-2/25/24)
Griffin Theatre is at 701 Carson Drive, Bear , DE.
First Love is the Revolution (11/1/19-12/14/19)
April Aardvark (10/6/19-10/26/19)
April Aardvark at Griffin Theatre (10/6/19-10/6/19)
Splinter (9/6/19-10/12/19)
Splinter at Griffin Theatre (9/6/19-9/6/19)
Nunsense (2/16/24-2/25/24)
Griffin Theatre is at 701 Carson Drive, Bear , DE.
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